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How to Find a Good Handyman
Punch Out Plus • March 28, 2014
A handyman 

This is a person able to carry out a variety of chores and repairs around the house or offices. Some of the tasks they can perform include; painting, cleaning, erecting of wall hangings, carpentry, gardening, simple installations and other light constructions. In some locations, the set laws demand handymen to be licensed before carrying out some tasks such as plumbing, electric works and gas fitting. It is therefore important to find the right handyman for each job. By answering the question; how would I find a good handyman? One is able to make the right choice when selecting who to assign a simple house or office task.

How to find a good handyman

First is by personally asking from family, friends or workmates. This will increase your chances of getting a trustworthy handyman since they may have a good relationship with the person recommending them. A good handyman can also be found through online websites, advertisements in newspapers and even in yellow pages. One can also present the tasks at hand to various handymen and analyze their service prices to get the best handyman for the job. Getting an insured handyman will be a big advantage since that will remove the liability on you in case of an accident during work. A handyman who is fine with writing a contract describing the terms of service is also suitable. This will ensure he truly performs and that u would have answered; how would I find a good handyman?


Handymen greatly assist in simple house and office repairs. It is however important to know how to find a good one to get the task well done for you. An insured and certified handyman is the most recommended since he can handle high risk tasks due to his training and is liable to himself. 

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